Get Ready, Set, Golf.

As New Zealand gets ready to move into a somewhat more liveable, albeit still relatively restrictive Level 3, many of us are dragging out golf clubs out from the garage, wiping off the cobwebs, and swinging furiously in the lounge with glee.  

Level 3 will see golfers being able to rack it up on the course with their ‘bubble’. There are however some restrictions- don’t expect the clubhouse or facilities to be open, you may notice a lack of rakes in the bunkers and, adapted or no pins so that we can limit contact between bubbles. 

I for one am feeling a mixture of emotions at being able to get back out there.  As a golfing fiend, I can feel the excitement brimming.  But that might just be about being able to go more than a few K’s from my home.  The over thinker in me has high expectations of a triumphant return to golf, and the realist in me knows that I’ll likely score a solid 80 having not played for 5 weeks.  Our return to golf may also bring about some other unexpected difficulties….

You can only play with your bubble.  Sounds great right? Family fun on the golf course, something we all dream about!! I’m sure for some families, this may be a dream outcome, but for many of us, playing with our significant other or most loved ones can present it’s own problems. I’m a hothead on the course- I’m better at controlling it with strangers but if it’s me and Luke, I can get pretty fiery (he’s no angel on the course either by the way!).  We have found ways around this- I highly recommend a fun game (not straight up matchplay, that’s just asking for trouble!).  Try a game of Skins, or a friendly game of battlegolf (if you lose a hole, you lose a club).  If you have more players, try Ambrose or foursomes to keep it relaxed!!  If worst comes to worst, maybe just get out there on your own and enjoy some quiet time…

You haven’t played for 5 weeks. I have been watching my extremely lucky friends building mini golf courses and hitting platforms to go along with their nice, shiny, new Trackman.  Hey, lucky them (and yes I am extremely jealous). But reality check, most of us have been able to chip and putt around the house.  And that got boring pretty fast so it made it into Week 2 and then dissolved into the occasional game of golf beer pong. 

As a golf coach I am also cringing at the idea of people teeing it up after 5 weeks of no play, and likely no real movement except for walking.  On this occasion, PLEASE make a point of waking up early and stretching, then get to the course and have a few swings before you hit that first, and probably second tee shot off the first tee (i’m talking expectation vs reality here).  I know this has it’s own problems in terms of social distancing- I’m not suggesting turning up an hour before your tee time to warm up.  BUT at least have the decency to give your muscles some prior warning that they are about to get used again!!!

If you need some ideas on how to prepare yourself for your first game, go to my Facebook page or follow me on Instagram, and as always please feel free to reach out to me for some guidance on  

Relax and enjoy it team. 

Coach Em